Our language courses follow the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) developed by the Council of Europe. Here you will find an explanation of what you are expected to understand and discuss at each level. Reviewing this scale can help you when enrolling in a language course, as all courses are categorized by levels such as A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2, where A1 is beginner level and C2 is bilingual.
Skills: Listening Comprehension
I can recognize familiar words and very simple expressions related to myself, my family, and my immediate surroundings when spoken slowly and clearly.
Skills: Reading Comprehension
I can understand familiar names and recognize words and very simple sentences, for example, in advertisements, on posters, or in catalogues.
Skills: Engaging in a Conversation
I can participate in a simple conversation if the other person is willing to repeat, rephrase, speak slowly, and help me express myself. I can ask and answer simple questions related to essential needs or very familiar topics.
Skills: Speaking
I can use simple phrases and sentences to describe where I live and the people I know.
Skills: Writing
I can write a simple postcard, e.g., a holiday card. I can fill out forms with personal information, such as name, nationality, and address.
Skills: Listening Comprehension
I can understand common words and phrases related to areas that are important to me personally (e.g., very simple information about myself, my family, my local environment, shopping, and work). I can grasp the main content of simple, short, and clear messages and announcements.
Skills: Reading Comprehension
I can read very short, simple texts. I can find specific, predictable information in simple, everyday materials like advertisements, brochures, menus, and timetables. I can understand short, simple personal letters.
Skills: Engaging in a Conversation
I can participate in simple, routine conversations that involve a straightforward exchange of information on familiar topics and activities. I can use and understand common polite phrases but usually don't understand enough to maintain a conversation.
Skills: Speaking
I can use a series of phrases and sentences to describe my family, other people, living conditions, my educational background, and my current or past job.
Skills: Writing
I can write short, simple messages related to the most important aspects of daily life. I can write a very simple personal letter, e.g., a thank-you note.
Skills: Listening Comprehension
I can understand the main points of clear, standard speech on familiar topics related to work, school, leisure, etc. I can understand the main content of many radio and TV programs on current affairs or topics of personal or professional interest when spoken relatively slowly and clearly.
Skills: Reading Comprehension
I can understand texts where the language is largely characterized by frequent, everyday words and expressions or related to my work. I can understand personal letters that describe events, feelings, and wishes.
Skills: Engaging in a Conversation
I can handle most situations that might arise when traveling in an area where the language is spoken. I can participate unprepared in conversations on familiar topics, topics of personal interest, or topics that are important in daily life (e.g., family, hobbies, work, travel, current events).
Skills: Speaking
I can give a simple, coherent account of events, experiences, dreams, hopes, and plans. I can briefly explain and justify my opinions and plans. I can tell a story or describe the plot of a book or film and describe my reactions.
Skills: Writing
I can write simple, coherent texts on familiar topics or topics of personal interest. I can write personal letters describing experiences and impressions.
Skills: Listening Comprehension
I can understand longer, connected speech and lectures and follow complex arguments when the topic is relatively familiar. I can understand most news and current affairs programs on TV. I can understand most films where standard regional accents are used.
Skills: Reading Comprehension
I can read articles and reports on current issues where the author expresses specific attitudes or viewpoints. I can understand contemporary prose.
Skills: Engaging in a Conversation
I can use the language fluently and spontaneously enough that conversations with native speakers are not problematic. I can actively participate in discussions in familiar contexts and express and justify my opinions.
Skills: Speaking
I can provide clear and detailed descriptions of a wide range of topics related to my field of interest. I can explain a viewpoint on a given issue and outline the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
Skills: Writing
I can write clear, detailed texts on a wide range of subjects related to my interests. I can write a cohesive narrative or report to convey information or argue for or against a particular viewpoint. I can write letters that clearly show the importance of certain events and experiences.
Skills: Listening Comprehension
I can understand longer, connected speech even when it is not clearly structured, and when parts of the content are implied rather than explicitly stated. I can understand TV programs and films without too much effort.
Skills: Reading Comprehension
I can understand long, complex factual and literary texts and note features of different styles. I can understand specialized articles and longer technical instructions even outside my field.
Skills: Engaging in a Conversation
I can express myself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. I can use the language flexibly and effectively in social and professional contexts. I can formulate ideas and opinions precisely and relate to those of my conversation partners appropriately.
Skills: Speaking
I can give clear, detailed descriptions of complex subjects, including subordinate themes, expand on certain points, and conclude appropriately.
Skills: Writing
I can write clear, structured texts expressing my views in detail. I can write about complex subjects (in letters, reports, articles, or essays) and highlight what I consider the key points. I can adapt my style to the intended reader.
Skills: Listening Comprehension
I can effortlessly understand all forms of spoken language in real-life situations and in the media, even when native speakers talk quickly, provided I have some time to adjust to the dialect.
Skills: Reading Comprehension
I can read without difficulty practically all forms of written language, including abstract texts and those that are complex in terms of language or structure, such as instructions, specialized articles, and literary works.
Skills: Engaging in a Conversation
I can participate effortlessly in all types of conversation and discussion and have a good understanding of idiomatic expressions and common phrases. I can express myself fluently and convey finer shades of meaning precisely. If I encounter a language issue, I can rephrase myself so that it goes almost unnoticed.
Skills: Speaking
I can discuss and argue clearly and fluently, using a language style appropriate to the context, and organize my ideas logically so that the listener can understand and remember important points.
Skills: Writing
I can write clear, fluent texts in an appropriate style. I can write complex letters, reports, and articles that present a case in a logical and structured way that helps the reader to understand and remember important points. I can write summaries and reviews of both professional and literary works.